30 ديسمبر Bar and Bat Mitzvah Gift Ideas
You’ve been invited to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah and you are not sure what type of gift to give. Relax, Birthday Bottle Service are experts when it comes to celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. We are here to help you out with your gift giving dilemma.
What is A Bar and Bat Mitzvah?
First of all, let’s take a look at what a Bar Mitzvah is. According to Jewish law, when Jewish boys reach the age of 13, they become accountable for their actions. This occasion marks a rite of passage from childhood to manhood. Traditionally, gifts are given to the boy to show joy and happiness for this momentous event.
While boys become bar mitzvah at 13 years old, a girl becomes a bat mitzvah at the age of 12 according to Orthodox and Conservative Jews, and at the age of 13 according to Reform Jews. Similar to boys, a bat mitzvah symbolizes a young girl’s passage into adulthood and being responsible for oneself.
With this jewish tradition of generational change, choosing an appropriate gift to give can be daunting. To begin, consider how well you know the recipient. Do you have a close relationship with the young boy or girl? How close a relationship you have can help dictate an amount to be spent on a gift. Any size gift will be appreciated by the recipient.
Gifts should be given at a bar or bat mitzvah reception. Do not bring your gift to the service. A bar or bat mitzvah reception is considered a big celebration because of all the hard work and study the child has done.
Give Money
Giving money in multiples of $18 is symbolic of giving “chai” or life, so it’s quite common for people to give bar and bat mitzvah gifts in the form of cash or check.
Historically, the bar mitzvah was a way of helping to establish a young man with some money so that he might eventually be able to afford to make a home for his future wife. That’s kind of hard to believe in today’s world. Today, that money can be used to help fund a higher education or put into a savings account to be utilized at a later date.
Give Books
Giving books relating to jewish religious history and lifestyle are a popular bar and bat mitzvah gift. If you would like to give a book but are unsure of a topic, visit a local bookstore and ask for advice on an appropriate book to give. If you are an online shopper, the jewish specialty bookstore, Feldheim.com, offers a wide variety of books at all price points.
Give Jewelry
Giving a small jewelry item as a gift is a good idea. Girls will appreciate receiving small Chai charms, necklaces, or bracelets that feature the Chai symbol. Giving small jewelry keepsakes to both boys and girls will be kept and worn by the recipient for many years to come. Visit your local jewelry store or visit online seller Etsy.com for jewelry gift ideas.
When In Doubt, Ask The Parents
If you are unsure about what type of gift would be most appreciated, ask the parents. Convey to the parents that you want to give a bar or bat mitzvah gift that will have meaning and be appreciated.
Birthday Bottle Service
If you are the parent of a son or daughter and will be planning a bar or bat mitzvah party in the future, Birthday Bottle Service will help you book the right location and will ensure that your celebration is a resounding success.