22 Aug 5 Tips to Meet New Friends This Semester
Making friends as a child took no effort at all. If you’re less than 12 years old, all it took was sharing space and time for a few minutes with someone at or near your age. Simple as that. Odds were that there was some similar interest when your worldview and experiences were so limited. During your college years? Not so simple. Many people go to school knowing nobody, and nothing can be more terrifying than the prospect of not making friends. Read on for 5 tips to meet new friends this semester.
Be Accessible
Most college students would agree that the first several months are often the most difficult. Try keeping your dorm room open for most of the day. It might feel odd at first, but you’ll be surprised how many interactions this can open yourself up to just by being accessible.
Next thing you know, you’re having lunch or heading out to the movies with your neighbor from down the hall who you’d never even know if closed off to the world with that door shut at all times.
Keep True to Yourself
So, you’ve just blurted out something awkward that didn’t go over well with the group. So what? Own it. You’re an individual with unique qualities. This is an attribute, not an issue. Real and genuine people will appreciate the fact that you bring something different to the table, and reward you for it.
Play Well With Others
That group on the grass playing Frisbee looks like it’s in need of an extra player. Why not ask if you can join in on the game? Chances are they’d be more than happy to have another player and a new friend. The worst thing they can say is no, and you move on with your day with nothing lost.
Be Open to Making Friends in the Classroom
It’s good to remember that class is not just a learning environment, but can be a social one as well. Tough classes are so much easier when you’ve got someone to lean on. Sometimes, your best friend might be on the opposing team of debate class. Your chemistry could be built on the back of spirited debates that eventually led to friendly conversation. Your future best friend may be only a seat away, as long as you have an open mind.
Join the Drama Club
…Or any club you’re interested in. This one decision could be a total game changer. Joining a group whose members share your interests can help establish your core group of friends and a social network that could resonate for years to come.
Using the drama club as an example, many introverts tend to shy away from something as extroverted as the theater because they do not long for the bright lights and desire to be onstage. But don’t let that stop you from stepping outside of your comfort zone! A successful stage show is a total team effort. From working the lights to running the soundboard to stage managing all the way to directing, there are many essential roles to be played by those who wish to remain offstage. It’s a great team building experience and should be explored with both extroverts and introverts.
Remember: You Have Options!
A new school year or semester can seem daunting at first, but you have options. Just remember that the most popular person in school has many of the same blind spots in their game as you, they’ve just found workarounds and figured out how to make the most of it. Just remember to embrace your scenario, keep true to yourself while remaining open to new possibilities. The world is your oyster; but it’s up to you to open it up.