03 May How To Go Out On A Saturday Night By Yourself And Have A Great Time!
We’ll admit that doing stuff alone can be scary. Spending Saturday night by yourself? Even scarier. The simple idea of going out to spend the night alone without the protection of your friends is enough for many to stay at home and watch their favorite TV shows by themselves. But what if we tell you that you don’t have to be alone at home on a Saturday night just because your friends can’t accompany you? Believe it or not, going out alone can be as fun – or even more fun – as going out with your crew.
It’s All About How You Feel
Going out alone for the first time is like going out on a date: you’ll probably feel nervous and that’s normal. But, if you allow yourself to get excited, you won’t panic. Put on a favorite outfit, or one that makes you feel the best. Ladies, apply some confidence-boosting ‘night-out’ makeup. Crank up the stereo at home while you’re prepping to get in the right mood, and have a small solo dance party. Remember that you’re awesome and you’re ready to go.
Saturday Night By Yourself – and Happy!
For many people, going out alone on a Saturday night doesn’t promote the happiest feelings. The trick is that you have to get in a positive mind frame and put out the right energy. Body language is everything. You communicate with people around you before you even start a conversation. And for that reason, you want to send out positive signals.
Put Away Your Smartphone
When you’re out on Saturday night by yourself, it’s very tempting to keep yourself buried in your phone the whole night. Take a night off from your phone, and make a solid effort to enjoy the night and have fun. Besides, sitting with your phone and texting friends that you’re out alone will make you feel self-conscious. If you’re at a bar alone, don’t miss a chance to make friends with bartenders who can also introduce you to others. Stop messaging your friends, put the device away, and start paying attention to your surroundings. Remember that everyone at the club is there to unwind and have a good time, not to judge you.
Have a Couple of Drinks, But Don’t Get Drunk
A couple of drinks will help you loosen up and get in the right mood. Two drinks are usually enough to avoid being sloshed when the right guy is approaching you yet to be sharp when the wrong guy is stalking you. And guys? There’s nothing more unattractive than being drunk when you’re trying to introduce yourself to a chick.
We all know that it’s easy to get carried away drinking tasty cocktails, but try to sip slowly. Too much alcohol can lead to poor decision-making, and you could be left at the end of the night without anybody to help you get back home.
Don’t be Afraid to Smile
If you’re going out on a Saturday night alone to meet new friends, you should know that smiling makes you much more approachable and dramatically boosts your mood. Try to stand up straight, relax, and keep a smile on your gorgeous face, even if you feel naked without a phone in your hands. Remember that you’re there to enjoy the night, and it doesn’t matter what others think about you. Always do what you like.
Be Sociable
Don’t be afraid to talk to the people around you. You can start with simple questions like what good to drink and eat, and make small talk. Some people will respond; some won’t. And if it happens, that’s not personal – so keep moving. As always, there are plenty of fish in the sea, and there is somebody who will be interested in your thoughts.
Whether you’ve gone out alone for a couple of hours or just 30 minutes, give yourself a pat on the back: Saturday night by yourself wasn’t easy, but you did it. Feel free to go back home and be proud of yourself. Each time it gets easier, whether you are going out in a familiar place or checking out new places. And most importantly, enjoy the night! It’s your time, so make it as fun and wonderful as possible.