26 4월 BBS Is Growing.
We Are Hiring A Select Few.
Hook-ups at NYC’s hottest venues, extra cash, partying, networking – welcome to the life of a Birthday Bottle Service Concierge. There are only a few positions left. Inquire at Parties@BirthdayBottleService.com to learn more.
The life of a Birthday Bottle Service Concierge.
New Venue | Open House| NYC
Unlike the open house you attended in high school Open House NYC has innovative interiors, skilled DJ’s and expert mixologists. Thanks to us you can party here, with a free bottle of course.
New Site | Fresh Look
New. Sleek. Fresh. Hot. We can go on about our new site for days, but we want to know what you think. Email us at Parties@BirthdayBottleService.com and let us know your feedback.